3 Ways to Be a Productive Solopreneur (and 1 Way to Ruin It)

Cut through the chaos and take a step forward

Corey Fradin
The Startup


A person smiling at their computer.
Photo by DocuSign on Unsplash

The garage wouldn’t lift. The motor was seemingly frozen, shut down from the chilled morning air. But alas, my wife needed to get to work.

We agreed — she’d take my car. I’d take hers. Mine being parked outside of the garage, hers being trapped within. Her work schedule being more rigid, mine being entirely flexible as a solopreneur. But what of our daughter? I needed access to a car to drop her off at daycare.

That way I could, you know, work.


Knowing what I needed to do today though, I was able to adjust my schedule.

I removed the things that were up and extra and blocked out time for the few important remainders. I simultaneously played with my daughter (and loved it), while completing lower-level tasks that didn’t need as much attention.

Then, around noon, everything was resolved (garage unfrozen and car untrapped) and my day resumed its regular flow.

Now, I may not have as much working time left as I’d like, but I’m making use of this moment right now to write these words and deliver them to you. To make the time that I still have as productive as possible.

