3 Ways to Beat the Imposter Syndrome

Who do you think you’re fooling?

Ann Vertel, Ph.D.
The Startup


Image credit: Allef Vinicius

Remember when you were a kid and you were afraid there were monsters in your room? You hid under the covers, not moving a muscle, holding your breath, and tuned in to every sound, absolutely panicked they’d discover you.

Waiting to be exposed, to be found out, is exhausting. It paralyzes us, holds us back, and prevents us from reaching our highest potential.

It can even derail our career.

Recently I had the honor of speaking at DisruptHR in San Diego. A global phenomenon unlike anything I’ve ever seen, the information exchange is designed to energize, inform, and empower people in the field of human resources.

Ironically, as I prepared my talk about the imposter syndrome, I kept thinking I was completely unqualified.

After all, I’d never spoken in the “disrupt” format before and I’d never worked in HR.

Who on earth did I think I was fooling?

I suspect almost all of the other speakers that night felt the same way and everyone who’s ever started a new job knows exactly what I’m talking about.

We want others to think we’re the person in our professional mug shots — dashing, debonair, organized, qualified, fabulously unruffled.



Ann Vertel, Ph.D.
The Startup

I am a motivational and business psychologist who writes about leadership, excellence, and success.