3 Words of Advice I’d Give Myself If I Started My Creator Journey Over

A creative side hustle is still work no matter how much you love it. Here are some tips on how to balance it with a full-time job.

Catherine McNally
The Startup


Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Pexels | Filter applied by author on Canva

I’ll be up front: My creator journey is just getting started (again). But as I plan, organize, and create after my 9–5, I also try to keep my work-life balance in mind. Because a creative side hustle is still work.

I’d never advise anyone to make the jump into entrepreneurship and quit their full-time job on the spot before testing their idea on the side first. Just like I’d never advise anyone to go full power, 110 percent into both a side hustle and a full-time job. A sustainable, balanced approach is best so you don’t burn out and need a break from both.

Here are some things I’ve learned over the past year as I restarted my creator side hustle that I wish I’d known earlier.

Don’t disregard your full-time job and the skills it builds

I’d say I’ve lucked out because my full-time job contributes to my side hustle.

I’m a full-time writer, marketer, and content strategist, so I already get paid to develop and use these skills. I think it’s worth…



Catherine McNally
The Startup

Creator, writer, artist. 🎨 I write about sustainable productivity, rest, and clawing your way out of burnout.