Adventures in Writing
Three Writing Apps You’ll Love to Use
If you’re like me, you’ve been writing for a long time and have probably tried all manner of writing apps.
It doesn’t matter if it’s the fanciest, or most expensive, or the one with the most features, because if you’ll use it… then it’s the best for you.
With this in mind, here are three writing applications that I’ve used for extended periods of time and can recommend to anyone still trying to find an app they can happily use.
First off the block is the writing app that I love the most. Of all the applications that I’ve used in the past, Ulysses takes the cake.
There are numerous reasons why Ulysses is my writing application of choice and I could spend an age talking about it. So instead I’ll just run through some of the features that I find the most helpful.
Like the other offerings on this list, the paramount reason here is the distraction-free mode. I find that a distraction free writing/editing environment is essential to getting actual work done.