30 Days Of Medium

30 Days Of Medium

James Thomas
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2018


I recently discovered Medium a couple of months ago and fell in love with it immediately. The way it works, the design, UX and the ability to expose my content to huge new audiences of people hungry to learn.

Tom Kuegler was one of the first people I followed, and I read a lot of his content, which was always informative and inspiring. I’d recommend you give him a follow, he seems to be a relentless content machine!

There’s a ton of talented writers on Medium and a ton of great targeted content, what’s not to love?

Which is why I’ve decided to embark on what I’m affectionately (for now) referring to as, my 30 Days Of Medium Challenge.

It’s been done before, I’m sure, but I found it interesting reading the stories of others who’d done similar, and thought I’d share my own with you.

I’ll be writing a new post on Medium every day for 30 days, on how to build, grow and scale your WordPress based business.

Why am I doing this?

Ultimately I want to build my readership on Medium and grow my business, by helping others build, grow and scale their WordPress websites.

I also think it will help me become a better writer.

I have a habit of turning every post into a hugely detailed monster (which is good, but not always) and I think this challenge will help me create shorter, snappier pieces of content that still deliver great value to my readers.

What will I be writing about?

How to build, grow and scale WordPress based businesses.

If you have a WordPress based business, my content is for you.

If you’re not using WordPress, there will still be a lot of useful content for you around driving traffic, generating leads and improving the performance of your website.

And hopefully in the process I can convince some of you to give WordPress a try!

How to follow my progress and see my posts

Simply follow me on Medium and they’ll make sure you’re notified of my posts! I’ll be publishing my posts here on The Startup (a truly awesome publication).

My coffee expenditure may triple, but if my readership and writing skills do too, then I’d say it’s definitely wroth it.

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you tomorrow for Day 1 of my 30 Days Of Medium challenge. I better go stock up on coffee and stress balls.

*Update* You can view the full list of 30 Days Of Medium posts here:

0. 30 Days Of Medium

1. What do you need to build your own website? — 30 Days Of Medium

2. How to find a business you love — 30 Days Of Medium

3. How to build your own website — 30 Days Of Medium

4. How to measure your website’s performance — 30 Days Of Medium

5. How to get more customers by answering their questions -30 Days Of Medium

6. The successful business website cheat sheet — 30 Days Of Medium

7. How to measure success — 30 Days Of Medium

8. Understanding the Online Sales Funnel — 30 Days Of Medium

9. What is traffic and why is it important? — 30 Days Of Medium

10. What is Google URL Builder and why should you use it? — 30 Days Of Medium

11. Double your traffic by automating your social media schedule — 30 Days Of Medium

12. How to tell what sells — 30 Days Of Medium

13. How I grew my Medium following 6,500% — 30 Days Of Medium

14. How you look at things matters — 30 Days Of Medium

15. How to SELL services to small businesses — 30 Days Of Medium

16. How to win more deals with effective proposals — 30 Days Of Medium

17. How to setup an online store in 10 minutes — 30 Days Of Medium

18. How to work from anywhere — 30 Days Of Medium

19. Why your website is sabotaging your sales — 30 Days Of Medium

20. Where does your traffic come from? — 30 Days Of Medium

21. How to actually recognise burnout — 30 Days Of Medium

22. How to hack your schedule and get twice as much done — 30 Days Of Medium

23. Don’t copy your competitors — 30 Days Of Medium

24. How to SEO optimise a blog post — 30 Days Of Medium

25. Be unique or be forgotten — 30 Days Of Medium

26. Going with your gut — 30 Days Of Medium

27. People don’t pay for average — 30 Days Of Medium

28. How to do keyword research — 30 Days Of Medium

29. Why The Pareto Principle is the world’s biggest hack — 30 Days Of Medium

30. Your content is more profitable than your telephone — 30 Days Of Medium

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James Thomas
The Startup

Owner of squareinternet.co. Writing about how to build, grow and scale a business online.