4 *Boring* Skills I Had to Cultivate to Become A Successful Writer

Being a full-time writer doesn’t mean you get to write all day.

Anangsha Alammyan
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMay 6, 2022


Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

When I was younger, I always romanticized the idea of myself living as a writer.

I imagined my house to be packed with books from floor to ceiling. I’d then spend the entire day reading books from my never-ending book stack and penning things in my notebook. Now that I’ve finally realized my lifelong ambition of becoming a writer, the reality, it turns out, is pretty different from my imaginatively perfect world.

I’ve learned that it’s not possible to spend all my time writing. It will only exhaust my creativity. Even if that weren’t the case, there are a number of qualities and skills that you must possess in order to be a great writer. Of course, not all of them are glamorous, and some of them might even be quite boring and tedious.

But, the skills that I mention in this article are the ones I felt were quite necessary for me in my journey. If you are a digital writer in 2022, then I am sure these four skills would help you as well. They are boring, but will no doubt define your success in the arena of online writing.

1. The S-word every creator hates

