4 Easy Ways to Stop Falling Behind

How to hack your to-do list

Keri Savoca
The Startup


Photo by Chimene Gaspar on Unsplash

I hate falling behind. I also hate wasting time. That’s why I make it my mission to avoid having a long to-do list, no matter what life throws my way.

Many of us fall into the to-do list trap. We have a list of things we need to accomplish, and then someone asks us to do more things, so we add them to the list and we get frustrated when we can’t get everything done.

It doesn’t work.

Here’s what does.

1. Have working meetings.

Instead of having a meeting to talk about how to do something, have a meeting to actually do it. Working sessions are amazing. You’d be surprised how much a team of people can get done during a 30-minute meeting.

The key is to have an objective for each meeting so each person knows what to prepare and how to contribute. With a little preparation, you can skip the lengthy introductions and get down to business.

Don’t have a dozen meetings to talk about plans — have meetings to act upon plans.

For example: Your team wants to meet to discuss the components of an upcoming presentation. Everyone starts taking notes about what the presentation should…

