4 Effective Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

I’m Jacqueline Vanderpuye
2 min readDec 29, 2019


Because we all need a confidence boost from time to time

Image by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

For much of my childhood, I suffered from low self-esteem, stemming from an inner sense displacement. This led to being bullied at school because I was African, too dark, I couldn’t speak English and came from a one-parent family.

Being teased for every aspect of who I was, led to my growing up afraid of people. I became shy, timid and fearful of the negative judgements of others.

Luckily, something changed when I got to 18 and almost like a switch got flipped, I began questioning my fear of people.

I realized I was no different from anyone else and that no-one could hurt me unless I let them.

Using these tools daily, helped me make lasting changes to my self-esteem.

You Have Something To Offer

Many times, you feel low self-esteem because you don’t think you have anything to offer the world; this isn’t true.

Each person has a unique set of life experiences; when we have the courage to share these experiences, it can be surprising just how much they help others.

Finding your voice and having the courage to speak your truth, is a valuable tool that can help to raise your self-esteem and boost your confidence.

Value Yourself

When I had low self-esteem, I also felt a low sense of worth. Because I didn’t value myself, I also felt undervalued by others.

Realizing your value as equal to everyone else is a major step in raising your self-esteem. Valuing yourself means practising self-care, setting boundaries, standing up for your beliefs and asking for help.

Stop Negative Self Talk

Negative self-talk is not only destructive, but it’s also a sure way to lower self-esteem.

Although identifying negative self-talk can present huge challenges, because many of us habitually put ourselves down without even realizing it.

Nevertheless, it’s important to recognize the negative statements you make about yourself, in order for you to change them into positive affirmations that align with your true worth.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparing yourself with others is something we all do…and yes, it’s a habit that’s difficult to break.

However, spending your precious energies concerned with others’ lives is a needless drain of your resources that also lowers self-esteem. When you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, flaws and all, the need to compare yourself with others vanishes.

Only then can you start loving who you are and that’s the icing on the cake.



I’m Jacqueline Vanderpuye

A writer and blogger, a healthy eating enthusiast, a fitness, self-development and wellness junkie. www.jacquelinevanderpuye.com