4 Lessons on Motivation from the Greek Hero Odysseus

An epic way to stick to our plans

Davide Migali
The Startup


Jacob Jordaens — Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus

We need to change. We want to change. But we don’t change.

We all have results we would like to achieve or unhealthy habits we would like to stop. Most of us, at the beginning of a transformational journey, display an authentic and sincere commitment to our goals. Yet very few are able to actually reach them and, more importantly, to maintain those achievements over time.

One critical difference separates those who fail from those who succeed. While failure is often blamed on a lack of willpower, it is actually the ability to recognize that willpower alone is not enough — and to plan accordingly — that marks out the successful.

Designed to fail

Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times” — Mark Twain.

Humans, for biological and evolutionary reasons, are easily engaged in addictive behaviors and, by the same token, they also struggle to escape them.

Many think the key to regaining our freedom is willpower. They believe that the deep and burning desire of doing something is the gateway to a better version of ourselves.



Davide Migali
The Startup

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