4 Powerful Reasons Why Your Website Should be Mobile Responsive

Lesley Michelle
The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2019

Don’t you think it’s crazy that mobile internet use has surpassed that of PC usage, yet, many websites are not mobile-friendly?

Like most of our readers, you’re probably reading this on a mobile device right now.

With consumers now spending more than five hours a day on their smartphones, your website should be mobile responsive. So, what makes a website mobile responsive?

Mobile responsive web design means that your website offers similar usability and functionality across a variety of devices. So, the same way it feels and works on a desktop will be the same way it navigates on a tablet or smartphone.

And we’re not just talking about adjusting the display to fit the screen size. Mobile responsive websites provide:

  • Functionality
  • Quality performance
  • Flexibility
  • Improved usability
  • Optimized text and images for different screen sizes

So, what advantage will your site have in being mobile responsive? We’ll give you the top four most powerful reasons why high-quality mobile design will make your website shine.

1. It’s what Google wants

As effective on July 1, 2019, Google advised of — mobile-first. As a result, Google now uses mobile experiences as an important ranking factor for websites in their search engine.

Therefore, mobile-first indexing means that if your website isn’t responsive, you’ll lose out on web traffic. Your website must also load quickly on mobile devices as this is another SEO ranking factor.

So, if you rely on search engine traffic, your website must get with the Google program.

Otherwise, you’ll be lagging behind while your competitors will be out front, raking in all the online traffic and the profits that come with it.

2. It looks good on you (aka a better user experience!)

“Pinching and zooming” on a mobile device is annoying! That’s not a fun experience for anyone, much less someone you’re trying to woo into buying your product or service. Trust me, they’ll find someone else that offers a better user experience.

Technology advances, tastes evolve, and people’s preferences change. You need to move with the times.

From tiny phones to huge desktops, your website is being viewed on a variety of screen sizes. Make sure it looks and works well on all of them. Ensure your visitors get the best experience no matter how they access your site.

3. More money for you because mobile users spend more

As of Q2 2018, smartphones held a 63% share of all retail website visits. You just can’t deny it: responsive website design equals more profit.

The reality is that a bad mobile website experience will cost you customers. Easy usability and better website experiences equal happy users. Happy users will be more inclined to shop with you.

Simply put, more people are visiting your site on mobile devices.

They trust their devices and will do business through them. It’s not only B2C customers who are comfortable doing business on their smart devices. B2B customers are too. And this change transcends age.

So, be ready to entice them no matter how they get to you.

4. Catch your potential clients where they are

A buyer’s journey is not a straight line. They may be on a desktop when they come across your website, but they don’t buy immediately.

Next, they’re on a mobile device and may see your ad or someone sends them the link to your website in WhatsApp.

They decide to jump back over to your site. Now, what do they see? Do they get a similar experience using your website on a tablet or smartphone as they did on a desktop? Or are the navigation buttons too small? Is the site minimized instead of responsive?

Consider the many touchpoints a customer has before saying yes to you. Then, you can understand the importance of having a great experience no matter the device.

So, ready to embrace a mobile responsive website?

57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

As a web designer, I spend quite a bit of time working with clients on their web presence. I’ve seen how much profit they’re potentially leaving on the table by failing to implement such a simple design element to their website.

If you’re building a new website, make sure it’s done in a mobile-first manner. If you have an existing website, contact a quality designer to help you upgrade your website and your user’s experience.



Lesley Michelle
The Startup

Website designer and professional marketer. Owner of Lesley Michelle Design Studio. www.lmichelle.design