4 Quick Ways to Warm Up Freelance Leads Before You Pitch

Lizzie Davey
The Startup
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2020


Freelance lead generation is one of the main sticking points for new freelancers. The act of finding prospects and nurturing them until they eventually hire you isn’t an easy task — especially if you don’t even know where to start.

The best results I’ve had from pitching my services isn’t by going all in and reaching out to clients that have never heard of me before. Instead, I try to build some sort of connection with them first so my email in their inbox isn’t completely out of the blue.

This is the best way to conduct freelance lead generation.

Getting to know your prospects before you pitch them means that they know who you are and you’re more likely to be able to offer them a personalised pitch to match their unique needs.

But how do you “warm up” prospects during the freelance lead generation process?

I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve for you.

1. Start a Conversation on Social Media

Social media is a great place to spark connections with potential clients. This is because people expect you to reach out and chat to them there — that’s the whole point of social media, after all.



Lizzie Davey
The Startup

SaaS, Marketing and Ecommerce Writer and Content Consultant. I also help freelancers create long-term, lucrative businesses.