4 Steps to Leverage Yourself Out of Your Financial Situation and Into a Meaningful Life

Poverty is a massive object at rest. You need a big ass lever

James Taylor Foreman
The Startup


Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Advantages in life tend to stack. The rich get richer, etc. When you have money, it’s easier to make money. When you have nothing, it’s easy to get less of anything.

That means your poverty has a LOT of inertia. To move it, you’re going to need a big-ass lever and a notch in which to jam it.

Here’s a guide to find both the lever and the notch.

1. Learn an expensive skill

Chances are, you’ve already been doing this. You need to focus a bit. What skill do you have that people will pay money for? Hone in. The obvious ones: Sales, marketing, copywriting.

Feels bleak? Well, you need a little perspective. I wish someone had explained this to me:

You don’t have to be in sales forever. But sales is a DAMN good early-game skill that brings in bucks. If you land a role at an ethical company, that’s double good.

This is coming from someone who has performed comedy, written a novel, and published short stories. I know the feeling of wanting to make something that matters. I still did sales. I sucked, by the way…



James Taylor Foreman
The Startup

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