Creativity | Productivity

4 Sustainable Ways To Boost Your Creativity (For Free)

100% natural — no pills, powders, or prescriptions

Hudson Rennie
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2022


The creative mind at work — a woman in the foreground with bright colours, bird, and ships passing behind her.
Image created by author using Canva Pro.

The idea of “creative” and “non-creative” people is a myth.

Some people like to paint. Others look at a neatly organized spreadsheet and think, “Now, that’s art.”

Whatever your thing is, here are 4 proven ways to boost your creativity. Naturally, without a crash, and completely free.

We all create — we are all creative

Everyone has a thing — mine is writing.

We all have something we take pride in — our thing. For me, it’s writing. I used to call myself a creative writer, until realizing it’s redundant.

Now, I’m just a writer.

But recently, I’ve been thinking of ways to spice up this moniker. “Personal Branding #101” will tell you that a great tagline is simple and clear.

Something like:

“I help (certain people) do (such and such).”

So, I came up with this:

“I help creative humans live authentically.”



Hudson Rennie
The Startup

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: