4 things to consider while trying to achieve success

Because the right perspective makes the journey a hell of a lot easier

The Startup
Published in
7 min readDec 22, 2019


Ok people, it’s time to get a little real here for a moment. I have mixed feelings about what you might call the “success industry” that seems to be in a boom right now. While I love that so many people want to be better and care about improving themselves, I’m growing a little (ok, a lot) tired of listicles of how to be more like Richard Branson, why you should get up earlier and so on. Not to mention the fact that most of them are written by people who aren’t even close to the top. But let’s assume all of their well meaning advice is correct — there’s still something important missing. Even with all of this advice you might be successful, but you still might not be as successful as you want to be. Much of the time, the difference between success and millions of dollars success is up to the universe, because…

1. You need more than a little luck

Ask anyone at the top of their field how they became successful and they’ll usually talk about all the hard work it took to get to where they are. Hard work is trait number one you need if you want to make it in any field. If they have any self-awareness, however, they’ll also mention the fact that they had a bit of luck along the way. I don’t…

