4 Unexpected Benefits of Tracking Your Goals

Betsy Ramser Jaime
The Startup
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2019


A few years ago I started tracking my goals and habits, on and off. And I mean to say… I struggled, I failed, and I can’t even tell you now what most of those goals or habits were at the time.

However, more recently, I decided to give Goal Tracking another try…and I’m so glad I did because it’s truly made a huge difference in my life and I know it can for you too.

From my own experience with Goal Tracking, here are

4 Unexpected Benefits of Tracking Your Goals

My template for Tracking Goals + Habits AKA (a simple Google Sheet 😃)

1. You Have a Built In Accountability System

When we don’t track something or write it down, it’s easy to forget. Have you ever set goals, never to look at them again? Of course you have! I’m sure we’ve all done this at least once.

This is why I love tracking my goals. When you have a system in place where you regularly check in with yourself, daily, weekly, etc. this forces you to hold yourself accountable.

If you’re curious about putting in place good habits that will help you reach your goals, you might enjoy this article that I wrote…



Betsy Ramser Jaime
The Startup

Productivity, Personal Growth + Remote Work Life. 加油: Open for work betsy@betsyramserjaime.com Click here for Weekly Updates at bit.ly/2MZWwvR