4 Ways to Boost Sales by Improving Customer Experience

Stewart Stanbra
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2018

Businesses are often failing because they are not considering the customer journey. The best sales people provide an experience that informs and inspires a desire to purchase.

Photo by Andrew DesLauriers on Unsplash

The majority of industries require some form of sales, although many don’t like the word, preferring marketing or signing clients. Ultimately, we are all trying to influence people that we have something that they want/need.

It is critical to do research and know exactly what customers want to see, so that they would buy your product/service.

We have worked very hard to understand our customer journey by tracking conversion statistics and receiving feedback. We have tried numerous methods and deciphered what resonates best with people.

Our company was very lucky to have one of the leading experts in Customer Experience as our mentor Terry Green (The Voice of Customer Experience — See Profile).
He has been instrumental in our success by helping us focus on the importance of understanding our customers. Terry helped us break down what we are presenting to them at each step in the customer journey to ensure our message was received.

Consider your own sales process and what your potential leads are seeing:

1) Awareness

At the point we obtain a new lead/application, they will have a very basic idea of our concept.

This is because, they will have contacted us through our digital platforms. These mediums, such as website and social media, are the first tool to set the tone for your customer’s experience.
Ensure you stay on message and keep it simple. The objective is to inspire them to make contact not to overwhelm with detail right away.

We also know, at this stage, for us to sell to this customer we have much work ahead.

  • They are interested, but ask yourself, what do your customers know about what you do/offer?

2) Educate

The next big step, after getting a lead, is to educate the potential customer about our services. Our demographic is people aged 17–22, therefore we have to ensure our message speaks to them.

Many under-estimate this stage, making big assumptions that things are obvious or common knowledge.

Ensure you provide all the important information, but again don’t overwhelm with too much information which is not necessary. Use media, brochures and video to provide the tools and information in a concise way.

  • Does your material explain clearly why you can help or solve their need/problem?

3) Build Credibility

Through the sales process, from the initial lead it is important to build credibility and trust.
Most intelligent people are not impressed by claims of “100% success rate” or “industry leading”. What people value most is proof of competence and trustworthy people.

From our perspective, we like to refer to our track record. Having helped over 2000 individuals we can refer to past work and extensive statistics that should build trust.

Our media platforms are also working proactively to produce this sense of credibility, showing current clients feedback and stories on a regular basis.

NOTE: People trust people, as well as the brand. Seeing other people endorse your business is powerful.

  • The message you are projecting in advertising and marketing should boost credibility and provide proof you are capable and trustworthy.

4) Set expectations

I hate overselling. It is ridiculous that sales people make promises beyond what is realistic just to close a sale. It is incredibly short sighted and will ultimately mean credibility is hard to attain.

Create desire and urgency, but not by misrepresenting the facts. Be passionate and make potential customers understand the benefits and upsides.

  • Products should be explained accurately to ensure quality feedback on the product itself.
  • Service providers must be even more careful at this stage. Be genuine and find out what is important to the potential customer. Ensure that you set accurate and fair expectations on what is deliverable.

By being humble, thorough and showing compassion, it solidifies trust and increases the chances of a sale. Most people can see through bullshit!

Also important….

Develop a Consistent Customer Journey

It is important to understand your customer journey and tailor your message to give them a fantastic experience.

Develop consistency by replicating the quality of the customer journey.

  • Create brochures, Email Templates, FAQ’s and Video explanations for the sales team to use.
  • Develop a structured sales process that guides each potential customer through an effective and inspiring sales process.

Premium or complex services also rely heavily on the relationship between the sales person and the potential customer. The sales person should be themselves and be genuine, but ensuring they are equipped with the key tools to inform and inspire the potential lead.

Our customer journey is under constant review, we are always trying to find ways to better speak to our target market and ensure they feel both safe and confident that we are the solution.

Stewart Stanbra is a founder of CSUSA and the Pursue Group, he is helping driven people Pursue Ambition. Please follow for more stories on Entrepreneurship, Startups, Leadership and Self Care. Any claps are hugely appreciated!

Follow Pursue Group: www.facebook.com/pursuegroup/

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Stewart Stanbra
The Startup

(Oslo, Norway) — Entrepreneur, Investor, Founder & Director @ CSUSA & Pursue Group: www.csusa.co.uk / www.pursue.no