5 Brilliant Ways to Respond to Criticism on Social Media

Jayson DeMers
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2020
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter how careful you are, how much good you do for your customers, and how solid your reputation is otherwise; eventually, you’re going to encounter some criticism on social media. It might be a customer who’s unhappy with a product they ordered, someone nitpicking one of your recent announcements, or just a troll trying to get the better of you.

In any case, this is a vulnerable situation for your business. Because social media is public-facing, everyone will be able to see and consider the criticism, but more importantly, they’ll be watching to see how you respond. The type of response you give will have a significant impact on how the rest of the situation plays out — you may appease the critic, relieve tension, or escalate things to become worse if you aren’t careful.

Try using one of these brilliant, decisive ways to respond to your next social media critic:

1. Make fun of yourself. Self-deprecation is such a popular type of humor because it’s humble. It shows you’re willing and unafraid to admit some of your own flaws for the purposes of amusing others, showing both your humanity and your self-confidence at the same time. If the criticism is legitimate, feel free to poke fun at yourself to add levity to the situation and simultaneously admit your mistake. This will disarm your critic immediately, and show that your brand has personality. Just make sure you avoid using this tactic on particularly irate users; this type of humor may only enrage them further, or make them feel you aren’t listening to them.

2. Playfully refute. The customer isn’t always right. Sometimes, you’ll have a follower complain about something illegitimate, in which case your best move is to refute what they’re saying — but do so in a playful, lighthearted manner. Getting too aggressive at this point could escalate the situation, and your job is to dismantle it. For example, if a follower claims your statistic in a recent article is incorrect, you could acknowledge the possibility for mistakes to happen, but follow up with a link that proves your information to be correct. This preserves your reputation, but still doesn’t attack the critic directly.

3. Be overtly gracious. Social media users crave attention; giving them that attention can almost instantly defuse any situation. If a customer shares a criticism of your business, go out of your way to thank them for the insights. Instead of being funny or refuting the claim, accept it and let them know how much you appreciate customer criticism. If they’re trolling you, they’ll be rendered totally ineffective, and if they’re sincere, they’ll walk away feeling both heard and appreciated. There’s no downside here.

4. Make light of the situation. You could also inject humor by making light of the situation — as long as you follow up with some kind of a solution. Again, this shows your humanity and expresses a degree of humility to your followers while relieving tension. For example, if a customer complains that an item was damaged during shipping, you could joke that you had a team of elephants deliver the package and prepare to send a replacement product out immediately.

5. Admit, apologize, and make an offer. Sometimes, the best response is a simple, traditional one. Be direct and to the point with your response, and don’t mince words. Admit that your company made a mistake (even if you feel you didn’t), make a formal apology for the situation, and offer to make it right in whatever way you feel is most appropriate. As long as you’re sincere, the vast majority of critics will be silenced with this approach.

What Not to Do

For whatever reason, the tactics above may not work for you. You may not find them personally appealing, they may not fit your brand voice, or the specific circumstances of your customer’s complaint may not warrant one of the above responses. Don’t worry — there’s plenty of wiggle room here, so feel free to come up with your own way to respond. However, there are a handful of cardinal sins you’ll want to avoid if you want to keep your reputation intact:

· Ignore. If you pretend the criticism isn’t there, the critic will likely grow angrier, and become louder with their attempts to get your attention. This will also make you look bad to your other followers, suggesting you don’t care what your followers have to say.

· Debate. It’s fine if your follower’s criticism is inaccurate; you can refute the central point. But don’t engage in a flat-out debate with a follower. Debates are petty, and likely won’t get anywhere. Instead, you’ll look unprofessional and your critic will be unhappier.

· Agitate. Humor is good, but don’t go out of your way to poke the bear. Keep your jokes appropriate, and don’t intentionally rile up your critics — even if they deserve it.

If you want to attract more social media followers, or you just want to do a better job of keeping the ones you have (and keeping them happy), these are some of the best and worst ways to handle incoming criticism. No matter what type of criticism you receive, do take a moment to truly listen to what they have to say — this is a learning experience, and a possibility for you to make your other customers and followers happier. Keep evolving and moving forward!



Jayson DeMers
The Startup

CEO of EmailAnalytics (emailanalytics.com), a productivity tool that visualizes team email activity, and measures email response time. Check out the free trial!