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5 Common Mistakes That Destroy New Freelancers

Don’t let your freelancing dream become a nightmare

Declan Wilson
Published in
9 min readMar 12, 2020


Freelancing is a delicate balancing act. It’s a dance between keeping a client happy and you happy without spiraling into fits of anxiety and despair.

All it takes is one bad client experience to ruin everything you’ve worked so hard to build. The last thing you want as a freelancer is a client who drains are the excitement and love out of your work.

Instead of diving headfirst into freelancing work and hoping for the best — as I did back in 2017 — simply avoiding common freelancing mistakes may lead to better client experiences in the long run.

Today, I want to share with you five mistakes I’ve made and how you can avoid them.

Mistake #1 — Always saying “yes” to clients

Project creep is like a crack in the windshield of your car — the more it spreads, the sooner you’re going have a disaster on your hands.

You don’t need to give your clients everything they ask for. Even if you are desperate for their business, saying “no” or “not yet” shows you have the experience and know-how to gauge realistic expectations.



Declan Wilson
The Startup

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