5 Common Myths About Introverts and Extroverts

This appeared in The Millennial Source

The Millennial Source
The Startup


We all want to learn more about what makes us who we are. How creative am I? Am I a good listener? Am I more emotional or logical? The questions are endless, but there is one that defines our personalities and how we interact with this world more than almost any other:

Am I an introvert or an extrovert?

Even if you know the answer, do you know what these two terms reallymean?

Maybe other people have told you all your life that you’re one or the other (as people love to do). Perhaps you have even been tested or used an online quiz to identify yourself. However, like many popular threads circulating the web, all the talk about these personality types is full of assumptions, stereotypes and misconceptions.

So let’s take aim at a few introvert-extrovert zombie myths. Here are five of the most common stereotypes that just won’t die.

1) You must be either one or the other.

