5 Conversations Aspiring Creatives Should Have Each Week

To move your work from good to great

Michael Thompson
The Startup
Published in
6 min readApr 4, 2021


“I hate podcasts and I hate poetry! There’s no way I’m doing a podcast about poetry!”

“That’s exactly why it will be so much fun!”

And with that sales pitch, my friend and mindfulness coach Justin Caffrey, roped me into starting a podcast where he drops Rumi bombs and I try to make sense of what in the hell he’s talking about.

“Two Dudes and a Poem” probably won’t be a hit.

I can say that with a certain level of confidence.

But I’ll be damned if recording the first few episodes these last weeks before our launch hasn’t been a serious buzz. Talking on camera for 15-minutes about a topic I’m not well-versed in has not only exposed me to a bunch of new ideas and ways of looking at things. But, interestingly enough, it’s also helped me to connect some of the dots I have floating around my head. After all, sometimes the best way to gain clarity is by allowing ourselves to share loose thoughts.

Plus, I’ve always been a big believer that a seriously underrated way to spark ideas is by doing something you hate as it’s hard to not be fully present when standing on the edge of a cliff.



Michael Thompson
The Startup

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT