5 Daily Micro Habits That Save Me Hours In Writing

When you harness the power of tiny things done right, you can accomplish larger goals — easily.

Lipika Sahu
The Startup


Image: Pexels

I envy some writers.

…who can afford to write for an hour or two in a stretch.

It’s a luxury for me. I get small pockets of time. So, it’s a grab-and-go style for me. Small bursts of writing sessions. In batches.

Very much like the way I cook, actually. Keeping the sauce ready for the pasta or gravy for the butter chicken (a dish everybody’s raving about these days).

Readying the things I know I will need later.

These tasks in themselves don’t amount to much but just doing them helps me oodles when I am assembling my writing pieces. By saving me much time.

So, here they come. Feel free to pick these micro habits if you feel they will help you in your writing process.

1. Work out my headline muscle. Daily.

Ask about the importance of practice to a swimmer or athlete. The game doesn’t begin after the starting pistol goes off. It begins way earlier — in the hours and hours of training.

