5 Digital Transformation Challenges Facing the Enterprise

Ryan M. Raiker, MBA
The Startup


Going digital is becoming a non-optional implementation strategy for businesses that are striving to maximize revenue, productivity, and customer experiences. Enterprise business leaders are fighting to stay ahead of their competition and implementing digital technologies to improve and transform the way we live and work. According to Thomas H. Davenport and George Westerman, the digital transformation is an open change in all areas of business processing.

This change involves the integration of digital technology into all business operations and the blending of people and machines. Thus, setting clear benchmarks and understanding the issues will enable the successful implementation of digital transformation.

Transforming an enterprise in this digital era becomes harder and harder as many issues arise in doing so.

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Lack of a clear vision and plan

Going digital is often difficult for an organization of any size. There is way more at stake than a simple move, it is the combination of different jobs, skills, and competencies inside and outside the company.



Ryan M. Raiker, MBA
The Startup

TEDxSpeaker | Consultant | Process Expert | Marketer | Digital Guy | Adjunct Professor & Learner. I write about tech, marketing, business, and more.