5 Effective Ways to Structure Your Content

Sonali Pandey
The Startup
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2020


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Being a content writer, writing for me, is just like breathing. Yes! I cannot survive if I don’t write. But, even I am a human being and the trait of exhaustion by the monotonous work has not shown any mercy on me.

Monotonicity with work is one thing. But, the other thing that haunts the writers the most is the need for a well-structured outline that just helps the automatic flow of words in your content piece.

A lot of people have asked me how many words I write daily? How do I manage writing so much? How do I not run out of ideas to make the content effective? Well, the answer to all these questions lies in that one magical formula that I am going to reveal to you in this article.

So, are you ready to take a glimpse of the magical secret and make your content amazing? If yes, then let’s dive deep into it!

Prepare an outline

This is the most important step if you ever think of writing; be it an article, a blog post, a copy, or even a book. Do not jump right into the content. I repeat, don’t!

To be precise, the mantra should be:

Look at the topic, do a bit of research, grab a pen and paper, and there you are writing the structure for your upcoming content piece.

The introduction is…

