5 Email Marketing Tips for B2B Saas Companies to Get More Leads

If you don’t believe in email marketing…then this is even more for you.

Celeste Galizia
The Startup
3 min readNov 7, 2019


Photo by Web Hosting on Unsplash

There’d be a lot to say about email marketing mistakes b2b companies make. The first one is not using it. Most companies indeed don’t even consider email marketing a resource for their business growth in the first place — which is plain…WRONG!

Email marketing is one of the best business tools available around because it’s a great way to establish a direct relationship with your leads and therefore sell without resulting annoying. People fell bombarded with in-your-face ads all day every day, and this gets tiring after a while. Instead, reading something directly from your email inbox feels a lot more intimate. And with some consistency, you’ll easily be able to turn a simple visitor into not only a customer but a loyal fan of your brand.

To avoid finishing in the spam folder right away … here are 5 email marketing tips for B2B SaaS companies to master your email marketing strategy.

Make Yourself Easily Recognizable

Someone’s email folder can be a busy place. This means you need to make it easy for your readers and subscribers to recognize you from simple yet attention-grabbing details. So make sure your emails are as customized as possible — based on your brand ( show some personality! ) and the profiles of the businesses your campaign targets.

This doesn’t mean their design has to be too extravagant or elaborate either. Actually, the simpler you keep the design, the more they’ll focus on the copy.

Remember Mobile Devices, too.

According to data, 55% of emails are opened on mobile devices. And 68% of these emails are regularly ignored because not optimized for mobile. Will your emails end up in the trash folder too? Ask yourself if your email would look equally vibrant on a smaller screen or if it’d work as effectively.

Simplicity is Key

When it comes to writing an email copy, being concise is key. Keep in mind that B2B email marketing success is not dependent on your ability to write with poetic flair or show off your favorite complex IT industry terms. Don’t bury your reader in excessive IT jargon! Chances are, your prospects know what their business problems are, but they may not know that something like “virtualization” is what they need to solve them. So, keep it relatable and write so that your audience can grasp what you’re talking about immediately. Also, generally, simple direct phrases will work better than overwhelmingly lengthy paragraphs. Your readers might get discouraged by just looking at that wall of text!

As a B2B SaaS company, you may be working with a very specific audience (law firms, dental practices, etc.). Scour the data your business or others within the industry have collected about your audience’s interests and pain points so you can communicate with them effectively and succeed at selling to them.

Emails From Human Beings to Other Human Beings

Too many B2B emails feel generic and impersonal. Instead, your email should read as if it were written from one person to another. Because, I mean, your prospects ARE human beings! By doing so, you can start to build relationships with them. Also, it’d be better to send your outbound emails from a personal email address that has a human name attached to it. That way, it doesn’t show up in inboxes from “Info” or “Sales Team.” Let’s face it — no one wants to talk to “Info” or any other name that sounds like an automated robot.

Every email you write and send should have one predetermined purpose. And usually, the main focus should be your primary offer or service. Then, if you want to provide additional information or mention a secondary offer, you can always use links (to your website for example). That way, it’ll be easier for your readers to take action as they won’t feel as overwhelmed by the choices and your message won’t get bogged down in clutter.

And last but definitely not least…Be interesting.

If your email’s goal is to sell, everything — from your subject line to your call to action — should engage your readers directly. Let them know why they should do business with you. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, think about what’s in it for them, and craft your email accordingly.



Celeste Galizia
The Startup

Content Writer, copywriter, storyteller, true crime series lover.