5 Focus Thieves That Steal Your Potential

Quit focusing on what demands your attention and provides no assistance.

Austin Walker
The Startup


A leader’s mind is a valuable resource. The more you climb in leadership, the more responsibility you shoulder, and the more expectations you carry, the more disciplined you must be when it comes to the things that occupy your mind.

Especially for a young or new leader, there are a few things you have to focus on. Your team. Your development. Your capacity. But it may be more important to be just as disciplined when it comes to what is not taking focus. Things are demanding your attention that have no business monopolizing your focus.

Here are 5 things every leader needs to quit focusing on to grow and develop.

Quit Focusing On Deficiencies

We tend to evaluate our weakness and try and get better. “I can only be as strong as my weakest link.” There may be areas of weakness that need improvement, but you cannot focus on where you fall short.

If you have 5 hours to focus on personal development and investing in your core competencies, it is going to be more productive to work on an area of weakness or to grow in an existing strength?



Austin Walker
The Startup

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.