5 Golden Tips For Every Marketer

Atul Jakhar
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2020

You might have come across blogs, guides, video tutorials, and whatnot that tell you to follow X strategies or integrate Y tactics or use Z tools — All this to improve your marketing performance.

But if you really stop & think about it, the marketing performance is not dependent on your marketing strategy (to some extent maybe).

Believe In Yourself

Then what is it that influences your marketing performance? The answer is simple, it’s YOU.

You as a marketer are the most important component that defines whether a marketing campaign will fail or succeed.

Why Are You The Reason For Your Brand’s Marketing Performance?

Think about it, you have seen that some brands have amazing marketing campaigns be it social media posts or print advertising or digital marketing.

These brands are always top-notch when it comes to engaging & creative marketing whereas some brands are struggling to even generate minimal engagement & returns.

The top-notch marketing continuously requires the efforts of marketers to think creatively & hit the right spot of the audience. Automated marketing cannot do that, you require “Human Effort” for this.

So, the marketers who have cracked the “code of success” are endlessly creating results-driven marketing campaigns while others are still stuck at what works & what doesn’t (also wasting money & resources).

Therefore, here are the 5 golden tips for every marketer to achieve successful outcomes.

5 Golden Tips For Every Marketer

Understand The Audience Behavior, Not Just Data

Many marketers run towards analytics & audience data like bull runs towards the red flag i.e. without knowing the real purpose & agenda.

That is where they make mistakes. Yes, it is essential to analyze your data and that will help you understand your audience to a great extent but it won’t help you actually understand their real character & their real behavior.

Audience Engaging Happily

So, make efforts to understand what your customers like, how they behave, what they like, what are their ACTUAL tastes & preferences, why they buy what they buy, their decision-making system.

All you need to do to understand the behavior of consumers is to communicate with them, monitor the behavior of people who fall under your buyer persona, understand their community, evaluate their hierarchy of needs, etc.

Rewards & Recognize Your Brand’s Loyal Audience

Now every marketer will relate to this that “we want to connect to the audience & turn them into a loyal customer” that brings tremendous lifetime value to a customer.

It has been a challenge for marketers to retain their leads & customers and as the business ecosystem is expanding, it is becoming even more difficult to garner customer loyalty.

Rewards & Offers

So, to activate customer loyalty & greater lifetime value, you should firstly, recognize your customers i.e. talk to them, organize events for meetups, respond to their messages, etc.

Whereas you should also reward them from time to time like distributing gift vouchers, offers, loyalty cards & discounts, social shoutouts, etc.

This will help you to retain more customers as they love these additional benefits. Also, it will create brand desirability among new potential customers to associate with your brand & become a loyal customer.

Meditation = Creativity = Engagement

You may wonder how come we are talking about meditation in a blog for marketers. I’ll answer that for you.

Danny Penman in his book Mindfulness For Creativity mentions that meditation & mindfulness practices help you in the enhancement of 3 key skills relating to creativity

Meditation opens your mind to new ideas & realms

Mindfulness improves attention & analytical skills

Nurtures courage & resilience against setbacks

Therefore, mindfulness & meditation help you to enhance your creativity & innovation.

Mediation At Office

So, as you will become more creative, innovative, & mindful, it will help you go to the depths and find the ideas & strategies that will help you increase your user engagement & results through creative marketing solutions.

Be Open To Listening & Learning

Remember when you were a student and during most part of your classes, you just sat there and listened to the teachers sharing their knowledge & experiences.

That was the time when you learned most of what you know today besides learning through experiences.


You need to apply that knowledge here as well so you have to listen to what your peers, audiences, friends, family, etc are saying & what you can learn from it that will help you in your marketing strategies.

Once you do that, you will experience that suddenly you have come across a goldmine of knowledge, ideas, tips, tricks, tactics, and much more.

Read About Consumer Psychology

This is the knowledge that most marketers are missing today as most of them see that digital marketing is the trend so they rush towards gaining knowledge about tools & techniques of digital marketing.

But that is wrong to its roots. Counting starts from 1, not from 5.

Consumer Psychology Books

If you don’t know why consumers do what they do then what will you do with the knowledge of those tools & techniques? The base of successful marketing is to know your audience.

So, reading about key consumer psychologies will help you gain a deeper understanding of audiences’ behavior, intentions, characteristics, personalities, cognitive abilities, etc.

Implications For Marketers

These are the 5 Golden tips for marketers and once you understand & start acknowledging them, you will automatically notice the enhancement of your knowledge & your marketing campaigns.

It is not a process of one day but it is about investing small amounts of time continuously. And most of them don’t even require any huge investment or no investment at all.

In the end, I’ll leave you with this:

“As a marketer, your marketing strategies will grow as much as your knowledge of people” — Atul Jakhar



Atul Jakhar
The Startup

A Knowledgeable Digital Marketer With Interests In Cross-Fit, Riding, Travel, & Adventure Sports.