5 iOS Animation Libraries That Will Inspire Your UI/UX

TextField Interactions, collectionview animations, animated views and more

Amol Rai
The Startup
5 min readDec 5, 2019


Photo by iabzd on Unsplash

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1. Expanding Collection

ExpandingCollection is an animated material design UI card peek/pop controller.

To use this library you have to import import expanding_collection and then create a UICollectionViewCell inherit from BasePageCollectionCell and then add into your FrontView and BackView.

Now create a UIViewController inheriting from ExpandingViewController and register the cell then add the UICollectionViewDataSource method.

For more information on how to implement this check out this GitHub repository.

2. Gemini

Gemini is a rich scroll-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. You can easily use GeminiCollectionView, which is a subclass of UICollectionView.

It enables you to make multiple animations which have various and customizable properties and moreover can create your own custom scroll animation. Gemini also provides a fluent interface based on method chaining. you can use this intuitively and simply.


3. Lottie

Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that natively renders vector-based animations and art in realtime with minimal code.

Lottie loads and renders animations and vectors exported in the body moving JSON format.

Since the animation is backed by JSON they are extremely small in size but can be large in complexity. Animations can be played, resized, looped, sped up, slowed down, reversed, and even interactively scrubbed. Lottie can play or loop just a portion of the animation as well, the possibilities are endless.

Animations can even be changed at runtime in various ways Change the colour, position or any keyframable value. Lottie also supports native UIViewController.

4. Comets

Here’s an awesome Comet library which is completely written in Xcode 10 and Swift 5.0 and compatible with iOS 9.0 or later.

All you need to do take the view width and height and set the Comet startPoint, endPoint, lineColor and cometColor and then add in the view layer.

5. Login Critter

Here’s an animated avatar that responds to textfield interactions.

The Login Critter uses several UIPropertyAnimator. The head rotation is controlled by updating the fractionCompleteproperty for an animator. As the user types, the animator's fraction complete is calculated by textwidth / textfield width.

For more information on how to implement this check out this GitHub repository.


That’s it for this piece I hope you enjoyed the libraries. Implement these libraries in your iOS applications to give users rich experience.

If you are preparing for your technical coding interview or you want to learn recursion to improve your problem-solving skills then you should definitely check this free udemy course Master the Recursion from Beginner to Advance Level

Additional Resources

If you want to learn ARKit 3 from beginner to expert level then click here to get the course and also you will get 97% discount.

If you are passionate about learning mobile development for iOS and looking to take your iOS development skills to the next level, Core Data with CloudKit framework should be at the top of your list. Click here to get the course and also you will get 97% discount.

Learn SwiftUI from Scratch click here to get the course because in this course we are going to build many apps using SwiftUI such as Facebook clone, News app, Notes app and much more.

