5 Leadership Behaviors That Will Make You a Great Leader

What is your leadership style?

Ollie Brunchers
The Startup


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Great leadership is not about you. It is about your people. Leadership must be one of the topics most written about and there are countless courses, training and even full-scale university degrees on management and leadership.

It is that hard. Or is it?

Leadership is important. It is one of the top retention factors as Steve Miranda, from Cornell University, says

“Employees don’t quit jobs, they quit managers.”

It takes practice and experience and most often a good deal of training and education to become a great leader. The leadership training market is huge. Trainingindustry.com estimates leadership training to be $3.4 billion in 2018 and growing.

The need is undoubtedly great with unsettling numbers of bad leaders.

“Over 75% of the workplace says that their bad boss is the worst part of their workplace”

Leadership skills and style is a top question to any job interview when applying for a position as a manager. It is also a hard question to answer since a lot of leadership theory can be hard to compress into simple answers and actionable behaviors.



Ollie Brunchers
The Startup

Marketing Leader making a tireless effort in increasing my odds of a happy life.