5 Low-Key Flexes That Can Make Most Entrepreneurs Jealous

Whether you like it or not we’re living in the age of “flex culture”

Francis Nayan
The Startup


Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash

We’re in the age of “flex culture,” where people rent, spend, lie, and boast about their material possessions and lifestyles, all the while making someone they don’t know jealous on social media. This is typically people showing off wearing big-name, expensive brands…

But in entrepreneurship, it’s the Lamborghinis, private jets, Bali beaches, screenshots of income statements, and Shopify dashboard results — you’ve seen it.

Just open up any social media platform, and I’d bet you’d see, at least, five people flexing SOMETHING. Showing off to the world about their fake (or hopefully real) accomplishments, even if it’s just the newest pair of shoes.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind if someone is sincere in showing their actual accomplishments to inspire others to keep pushing for their goals. I mean, I get off to that stuff. But when it comes to those who show off just to show off…

Well, that just doesn’t sit right with me.

Mainly because I don’t care about that stuff.

What I really care about are the things many business owners fail to create. A lifestyle where they can live freely…



Francis Nayan
The Startup

Former addict turned lifestyle freelance copywriter. 25+ countries. $10m sold. Writing on mindset, digital nomadism, and freelancing ➡️ thenomadnewsletter.com