5 Simple and Effective Productivity Hacks

Have you ever ended your day with a feeling that you could have done more?


Perhaps completed more tasks, read more pages, written more words or made more calls?

Well, I have been through that and it sucks.

I’ll be honest with you. Neither am I a productivity “guru” nor do I believe in making false claims.

I don’t preach anything that I don’t practice. I have been using these hacks for almost 7 months now. I won’t say that I have become extremely productive but I sure have entered the 1% group that makes the most of every day.

If I were to compare my current productivity levels to where they were back then, a 400% increase wouldn’t be a false claim.

This is how you too can achieve that:

1. Pomodoro technique

Google images

You probably already know about it. It’s a simple technique named after a Pomodoro (tomato) timer.

  1. You set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on your task until the time’s up.
  2. Then you take a 5-minute break. That’s…



The Startup

I am into Business Strategy, Rockets, & Agri. Mail: k@karanb.com