5 Practical Ways to Increase Your Pleasure in Daily Life

And they don’t necessarily have anything to do with sex

Kasia Patzelt
The Startup


The first time ever I dreamt in Spanish (after moving to Ibiza and starting to learn the language), I uttered these words in my sleep: Mhmmm, me gusta, mhmmm, que bueno (Mhmm, I like, mhmm, how good).

Don’t ask me what I was dreaming about, even though obviously it must have been good. All I can tell you is that I was strongly practicing my Pleasure Muscle during that time and obviously my subconscious liked it so much it picked it up even while I was sleeping. Pleasure is my passion. Here is why.

Life is so full of boring and often ungrateful things needing our attendance like doing the dishes, the washing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, getting on time to work, answering those emails and whatsapp messages, doing your taxes or dealing with other bureaucratic nonsense, that after too much of that we often lose being in touch with our natural capacity for enjoyment or pleasure.

We fill up with tension and stress and our world narrows down into a black and white tunnel where the only thing we care about is to get stuff done in an attempt to alleviate the pressure and overwhelm. Underneath we all crave for the elusive respite and peace at the end of the tunnel of our doingness…



Kasia Patzelt
The Startup

Embodiment Coach. Here to co-create an Authentic Human Reality. www.kasiapatzelt.com