Mind Walking from problem to solution

5 Questions to Ask to Set Yourself on the Path To Success

As a coach for the past 25 years it’s been my job to help people improve and succeed, this is how those who succeed think and what they do.

David Ferrers
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2022


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

There are 5 features that distinguish successful people and none of them are rocket science.

I’m going to walk you along the path that my most successful clients follow. We will do this together as if you are in a coaching session. So I will ask you questions as if I am coaching you and then we will look at the types of answers given by the clients who rise to the top.

We will also take a look at some of the thoughts and actions of those who fail.

If you’re ready let’s get going.

What does success look like to you?

“I have a solution to a common problem. And when people buy my solution they feel really good about their purchase.”

Steve Jobs solved the problem of personal computers being hard to use. Then, by designing his products to look beautiful he made purchasers of Apple products feel special.



David Ferrers
The Startup

I have coached over 1,000 people and I write about how Zen can empower your life, add meaning, happiness and prosperity https://ThePowerOfZen.substack.com