5 Reasons Most People Fail to Quit Their 9–5 (and Fly Free)

Even when they truly want to and work for it.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Startup


The author in Kyoto, Japan

This isn’t about everyone should quit their 9–5. This is for those who want to, try to side hustle, but still don’t make it.

This isn’t to influence you to quit because no one career path is for all. This is for those whose dream is to be self-employed, be free from the shackles of their office, and need some direction around it.

As a solopreneur and as someone who also teaches writing and has interacted with 130+ students from across the world, interacts with plenty of people across LinkedIn and Twitter around the creator economy, here’s why I see most people don’t quit.

They Don’t Side Hustle

So many people dream of going solo but don’t even side hustle.

How can you jump in the pool without at least dipping your feet in cool water?

When I wanted to quit my job, I side-hustled for 6 months before I handed in my resignation followed by another 3 months of side-hustling because of a stupid 90-day long notice period.

Side hustle to:

  • earn on the side
  • learn + polish your skills
  • meet others in your area of…

