5 reasons why Agile is Dead in your organization

Rameez Kakodker
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMar 16, 2020


Do your stakeholders feel a need to declare that ‘Agile is Dead’ on a monthly or bi-monthly basis? The death of agile has been declared across multiple boardrooms as frequently as businesses pivot! Here is a Google trend on the term ‘Agile is dead’:

Google Trend for ‘Agile is dead’

So has Agile died? Is it on its deathbed? I beg to differ here. ‘Bad Agile’ or ‘Pseudo Agile’ or ‘Playing-to-the-gallery Agile’ has died a thousand deaths — only to be revived in the next eager, digitally transforming organization with a weak understanding & poor implementation of Agile & its’ practices.

Before we go on to identifying the 5 reasons why Agile fails in your organization, I must point out that Agile is not a ‘Framework’ or ‘Methodology’. It is a value system — a paradigm on software development that needs to be understood equally. It is vague — allowing for as much variation you deem fit for your organization. It is often confused with SCRUM (which is a Framework for development). Agile does not dictate daily stand-ups or sprints. We’ll continue to remain under this confusion for this article, breaking apart where needed.

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Rameez Kakodker
The Startup

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