5 Reasons Why Developers are Choosing 8base over Firebase

Sebastian Scholl
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 29, 2019


Some background

There are a ton of essential pieces that go into building production-ready and scalable apps — for both web and mobile. That said, so many of these pieces are non-unique back-end systems that every app requires. Developers often get caught up “re-inventing the wheel” in this regard and are sidetracked from focusing on the parts that make their projects unique.

Imagine it like this: you’re a developer building some epic product that lets users upload images. Do you want to engineer and maintain a full object storage service? No! (hopefully) What you want is a service — like S3 — for storage while you build your app.

Dozens of technology companies have come out with products to fill this exact need; the need for software/systems provided as services. Between AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, Bluemix, and many others, 1000’s of critical systems for well-defined requirements are available to developers.

That said, building apps that utilize many services is a puzzle more than a map.

That is why companies like 8base and Firebase are becoming wildly successful. By assembling some very, very important and standard pieces of the puzzle, we save developers 100s of development and maintenance hours from going into systems that…

