5 Reasons Why the Post-it Will Jack up Your Productivity

How a simple sticky note can create a virtuous cycle of motivation

Jeremy Aw
The Startup
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

He pointed at my laptop screen, where I had the Sticky Note app open on my desktop. Then, he pointed to the contradiction plastered beside my mousepad. On the area below the keyboard, where my palm would rest, was a Post-it note.

“Why do you use a Post-it when you have the Sticky Note app on your laptop?

That was the question when he saw this strange combination of a primitive tool right beside its digital equivalent.

Really, why?

The answer is simple — it works wonders. This small bright-colored piece of paper with an adhesive strip punches well above its weight class. As primitive as it is, this old-school technology can hold its ground with its heavyweight digital equivalents.

Something about using digital tools just wasn’t clicking for me. I had a personal Trello board to track, categorize, and prioritize all my tasks. Sticky Note was used sporadically to jot down things I set out to do for the day or week. These days, it serves more as an information dump for impromptu note-taking.

But, it wasn’t working out for me. The Post-it on the other hand was a different story. It stuck, literally and figuratively.

1. It steers the direction for the day

It’s a simple concept. Jot down up to three important things you wish to complete for the day. Stick the Post-it somewhere prominent at your workstation. Let it remind and guide you through the day.

Let this bright canvas be your North Star. Channel your time and energy towards resolving these important things first. Don’t worry about the other stuff. Plus, if you managed to make it three strikes, anything else you complete would be a nice bonus. This makes it easier on you, mentally.

Remember, three is the limit. If you have more, it’s high time to ask yourself which ones are more important and prioritize accordingly. Restrict your task descriptions to the limited area of the Post-it. Leave out the nitty-gritty details, you only want the general overview.

2. Filter out the important things from the noise

It is vital to have a clear sense of direction when faced with an insurmountable mountain of tasks. But, not all tasks are made equal.

Some tasks are difficult or have heavy repercussions for not completing. These are the boulders that you should work on first. Some tasks are not as demanding or are of little importance. These are the pebbles that you should either put aside for now, delegate to someone else, or discard completely.

You may be lured into a false sense of security by clearing plenty of pebbles without ever handling the immense boulders staring down at you. These don’t go away on their own. Remember Trump and how the coronavirus will magically go away? They only compound into bigger problems.

Do not be fooled by this illusion of progress. Get the hardest thing to do out of the way first, not the other way around.

3. It holds you accountable

When you wrote on the Post-it, you’re making a written commitment to yourself to do those things. That’s half the battle won, the other half is honoring your commitment.

The Post-it provides you with a sense of direction but it doesn’t stop there. It also ensures your progress is measurable and holds you accountable for it.

When you’re done with something, raise your mighty pen and strike it off. Good job soldier, give yourself a pat on the back then get back out there. You ain’t done until everything’s crossed off. At the end of the day, a simple glance will give you your progress report.

Every strike-through counts as progress. Every item that remains untouched serves as a clear indicator of what else needs to be done. The Post-it makes it simple, measurable, and accountable.

4. Less mental baggage, less worry, less stress

It’s not just a reminder, it serves as external memory storage. Move the important things that hang at the back of your head onto the blank slate of yellow. It relieves you of having to constantly carry that mental baggage throughout the day.

Gone are the days you have to second-guess yourself or question the validity of your memory. You no longer have to constantly fret about accidentally forgetting something potentially deal-breaking.

5. Positive feedback loop

And when the final strike goes through, at long last, the ultimate joy is upon us. Hold your head high and rip that Post-it off. Crush it, roll it, do whatever you wish upon it. Savor the satisfaction of completing what you set out to do that day.

Lastly, for the coup de grace, send the bright-colored piece of record into the bin. Hurl it away with an expert arm and sharpshooter precision. It played an instrumental role and deserves an honorable sending off.

This small act of acknowledging your success provides a positive feedback loop for yourself. It goes a long way in motivating yourself to strive to repeat this feat the next day. Keep it going and over time, it becomes a virtuous cycle of motivation that drives you further.

Give it a try

If you find that your myriad of digital tools is not effective, why not give the Post-it a shot? It’s a primitive piece of technology alright, but it does pack a mighty punch. It doesn’t cost much to try — your productivity will thank you for it.

Leave a comment if you’re also a fan of the traditional Post-it and why!

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Jeremy Aw
The Startup

Stuck at the crossroads of deciding which path to pursue as a software engineer — frontend, backend or weekend :D