5 skills you need to be a great consultant

Matt Lewin
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 21, 2020


source: unsplash.com

Consultants are hired to provide two things: expertise and advice.

There’s no shortage of consultants offering help to those willing to pay for it. Anyone can claim authority on a subject, market their exploits, and call themselves a consultant. In fact, in the digital age, this includes artificial lifeforms as AI-based systems increasingly compete for consulting dollars.

So what separates a great consultant from an average consultant?

Expertise is relatively easy to come by. With the diversity of professions and technologies out there, most people know something that others value. Giving good advice is harder — it’s the fine art of linking your knowledge to a client’s problems and providing practical solutions.

An average consultant gives suggestions. A great consultant provides clarity, creates understanding, inspires action. They help clients help themselves.

My top skills for becoming a great consultant:


In general, less talking + more listening = better understanding.

The first challenge for a consultant is figuring out how you can help. You were engaged because your client has a problem. If they have a handle on the issue, the job is straightforward — start thinking of…



Matt Lewin
The Startup

Consultant, strategist and writer. I write about working life, personal growth and the writing process. Director at Esri Canada