5 Steps to Create a Roadmap for Your Freelance Business

Don’t wander aimlessly through freelance life — start out with a plan.

Anna Burgess Yang
The Startup


a road map with red pins in it, pop art
Image created via Midjourney

It’s really easy to forget the big picture when you’re a new freelancer.

You’re eager to please your clients, you’re learning to send invoices, and you’re trying to stay organized. All of those things are really important, but you need to think beyond laying the groundwork. Even if your goals seem like they’re on the distant horizon, you should still have a plan to get there.

Your best chance to get there? Create a roadmap.

You should think of your freelance work as a product that you’re building. I was a product manager at a fintech before I pivoted into freelance writing. Product managers always ask themselves: “Where is this product going? Are we on the right track? Do these new features meet our goals?”

You can take the same product-minded approach when building a freelance business.

1) Define your overall vision

You can’t create a map if you don’t know your overall destination.

Think about what your dream freelancing life looks like. You can start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Who is your ideal client?



Anna Burgess Yang
The Startup

Freelance Writer. Operations Advice for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉 https://start.annabyang.com/