5 strategies for designing a great logo

Analyzing what makes a good logo and how you can use these strategies in your projects.

James McPherson
The Startup


Photo by Aleks Dorohovich on Unsplash

So, you’re a freelance or an amateur designer looking for ideas when it comes to creating and drawing out logos. Well, you’ve come to the right place for proper tips and tricks on what makes a logo unique and how you can make your designs much better!

1. Keeping it minimalistic

So, when it comes to creating logos for brands or companies, you will have to decide if the company will look good at a flat minimalistic logo or if you want to be adventurous and go down the skeuomorphic route.

Skeuomorphism was a trend back in the early 2000s when it came to logos, buttons, UI design, etc. People back then found realistic graphics very eye-catching as in real life, you’re used to staring at buttons, signs, icons with proper texturing or glossiness. Skeuomorphism now isn’t very popular now due to a recent change in design style within the last 7–6 years.

This new style is now called Flat, simplistic & minimalistic design where everything is kept to a minimum when it comes to detail. Flat designs have become very popular since 2012 when Apple Inc. changed their iPhone app layouts/icons into the new flat style and over time, people got used…



James McPherson
The Startup

Articles about Visual Design, Marketing & Productivity