5 things you must know before heading off to college

Ever After
The Startup
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018

Ever since the day we stepped into school it has been pounded into our heads that we need to go to college otherwise we won’t be able obtain good paying jobs. Is going to college the only way we can make a decent living?

  1. You can take a gap year. If you don’t know what you want to do after high school graduation you don’t have to jump straight into college. You can always take a gap year and do other things you enjoy. You can volunteer, start a business, learn a new skill, and embrace yourself. Everyone should have the opportunity to choose what they think is best for them. If you decide to take a year off to learn more about yourself, you will most likely do better than someone who just jumped into college as soon as they graduated.
  2. It’s OKAY to go to community college! Unfortunately a lot of people think that going to community college is for losers, stupid people or people who are down on their luck, but that’s the complete opposite! When you go to community college it’s often cheaper, more affordable, the classes are smaller and it’s a great stepping stone for when you get ready to go to a university. Example you can go to community college first and get your associates degree then you can finish the rest of your degree in university.
  3. You need to flesh out how you are going to pay for college. Before you apply for any colleges or universities, you need to look at your living situation and how financially stable you are. Choose the best options that works well with your current living situation.
  4. PLEASE pay attention to debt! If you have no choice but to take out Student loans then you need to be careful about how much debt you are taking on in order to pay for your education. Remember, there’s no such thing as free money. Pay close attention to interest rates and only take out
  5. Don’t expect to become rich with a college degree. Look, I know that people have always told you that once you get your college degree you will instantly get a fantastic job paying six figures or more or at least have a good salary. Unfortunately, depending on the degree you will most likely start off with low pay and you’ll need to climb up the corporate ladder. While you are in college, it’s important to be working, taking internships and working on building your resume so you don’t have to constantly suffer.

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