5 Tips to Not Screw Up Your Application Release

Battle-tested solutions to your app release

Olivier Destrebecq
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2019


I’m in the process of on-boarding a new client and it was delayed because his current release is going horribly.

Essentially he has an application addressed to people who would like to accept payments on the go. He has worked with an offshore company for about two years to get his application ready and had done a release about 6 months ago. The reason why I’m taking over the project is that he is not happy with the quality of the app:

  • the user experience is horrible
  • there are lots of bugs

Despite those issues, he had decided to keep the app in the store and release the upcoming version. The offshore company did lots of testing, his company did lots of testing and they decided to release.

The app went live and a couple of hundred people downloaded it. Almost immediately he started getting emails from distressed customers. The update was deleting some of his customers’ work and they could not use the app…



Olivier Destrebecq
The Startup

I help non-technical founders build their mobile apps