5 Tools to Take Back Control of Your Career

From ancient Japanese concepts to modern coaching techniques these five tools can help you take back control of your career.

Robbie Stakelum
The Startup


As a Career Coach I’m a passionate believer that we all have the power to shape our career path and find fulfilling work. Csikszentmihalyionce in his groundbreaking book, Flow, argues that our brain is naturally set to chaos. Our lives are so complex with competing interests vying for our attention that for many of us we don’t know where to begin when it comes to structuring our thoughts.

The tools I’ve provided below are designed to give you a system and process to give order to that internal chaos. They provide clarity on your thoughts and give you back control to make smart and strategic decisions about your work and life.

I use these tools with my clients, but the most effective part is the discussion we have after the exercises are completed where we unpick your thought patterns, beliefs, drivers, motivators & challenge the assumptions you have about yourself, your career or your context that are holding you back. To substitute this coaching element I’ve included some useful questions for reflections.




Robbie Stakelum
The Startup

Coach. Making work a happier, healthier & wealthier place for everyone.