5 Top Tips For Writing Memoir That Work For Any Writer

Struggling with how to tell your story? Read on!

Rachel Thompson
The Startup


One of the biggest struggles writers face when they choose to write their stories, whether short-form or long-form, is where to start. And by where, I don’t mean geographically, though that can certainly be a consideration.

I mean, where and when. Okay, and how.

I dealt with this myself while contemplating writing my own stories of surviving childhood sexual abuse and how this affected me as a teen into an adult, and mother. What period of time will I cover? What period of my life is most pertinent to sharing? What details are important to leave in? Leave out?

To be honest, for many, many years, my journal entries about this entire topic didn’t go any further than that: journal entries. Moleskins filled with swirling thoughts peppered my anxious mind as to how to go about sharing my stories, along with normal imposter syndrome writer fears.

There were also the practical issues: where and how to start? I have a journalism degree and background with plenty of article writing and blogging experience. Book writing, memoir writing, is completely different. So I took more classes, read the usual writing books by Stephen King, Natalie Goldberg, Francine Prose, Julia Cameron…



Rachel Thompson
The Startup

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer http://BadRedheadMedia.com