5 Ways SeaTable Can Transform the Way Your Team Works Together

6 min readOct 18, 2021


In the beginning of 2020, most of the world was forced into remote work. Now, we are embracing it.

Even with companies all around the world developing plans to bring their employees back into the office, most of them plan on utilizing a hybrid model which will allow their employees to work both from the office and from home. Some are calling this model the “future of work,” which means that the tools and tactics workers have been utilizing whole working from home aren’t going to go anywhere. In fact, they’re going to become more necessary.

One of the most important tools for teams (especially those that aren’t always in the same room with one another) is one that can help everyone communicate, collaborate, and stay organized.

That’s where SeaTable comes in.

SeaTable is a flexible, collaborative spreadsheet that allows teams to manage all their tasks and information in one place. There is even a chat feature so team members can comment or ask a question about a certain entry, so you don’t have to integrate an app or copy and paste comments — everything is already in one place (which makes it a great AirTable alternative).

I want to go over 5 areas of work that SeaTable can be very useful. But first, let’s talk about some of the features the collaborative spreadsheet has to offer.

SeaTable Features

Grouping, Filtering, and Sorting

SeaTable works just like the spreadsheets that you’re most familiar with — only better. You can customize the rows and columns in your spreadsheet, group data, and filter it however you’d like. You have the option to color-code information according to priority, where it stands on the timeline, who is assigned to work on it, or whatever criteria makes the most sense to your team.


SeaTable has a variety of flexible plug-ins that can be used however works best for your team. For example, there is a gallery plug-in that allows your team to store and share photos for presentations, projects, and more. There is an interactive world map plug-in, which is a great tool for teams that are spread out all over the world and for business with clients in different countries. SeaTable’s timeline plug-in is a great way to ensure your team and each of its member are on track with projects and deadlines.

You can choose from existing plug-ins that have been developed by SeaTable or the SeaTable community or develop your own plug-in, so you can add exactly what fits your team’s specific needs.


Online forms are a great way to collect data about your employees, clients, and audience. Google Forms is a very popular online form creator, but there’s no way to transfer the data into a spreadsheet, which means you would have to manually input the information.

SeaTable has an online form creator already built into it. With this feature, you can create custom surveys, distribute them, collect necessary data, and crunch the numbers all in one place. Each time a recipient fills out your online form, the data is automatically transferred to SeaTable so your team can seamlessly analyze information and take action.

Data linking

They say that working smart, not hard, is the best way to work. SeaTable works smarter by allowing you to link multiple tables together to create a collaborative spreadsheet that has all the information your team needs in one place. This eliminates the need for double data entry so your team can spend more time focusing on your task list.

Data visualization

Let’s be honest: a spreadsheet filled with numbers is often hard to read. It’s usually much easier to see values represented in a chart or graph, which is exactly what SeaTable can help you do. All you have to do is input the data that you want represented, choose how you would like it to be represented, and SeaTable will generate a clear visual for you.

Mobile support

You don’t have to be tied to your desk when you use SeaTable. The program has been optimized for mobile phones and tablets so you can work or manage your team while you’re on the go. This feature is awesome for those digital nomads out there who like to work and travel at the same time. You can now get just as much done with your smartphone as you can with your laptop.


SeaTable is flexible and has tons of features that are designed to help your team work more efficiently, but no one program can do it ALL. You can link almost any other tool or app that’s available on the internet so you can see everything your team needs all in one place. Twitter, Google Drive, Dropbox, WordPress — you name it, you can likely connect it with SeaTable.

5 SeaTable Use Cases

Now that we’ve covered the features that SeaTable has to offer and how they can help your team, let’s dive into specific cases where all those features can greatly benefit your team.

  1. Project Management

When dealing with project management, there’s so much to deal with other than just the project itself. There’s the timeline, task list, the people who are assigned to the project, the people who are assigned to different aspects of the project, deliverables, presentations… the list really goes on and on.

SeaTable and all its features make it easier than ever to keep track of a project and all its moving parts and see it through to completion. SeaTable offers more customization options than most other spreadsheets, so your team can manage your projects exactly the way you need to. It’s the easiest way to keep everyone on the same page and get those deadlines met.

2. Human Resources

Just like you need a way to manage projects, you need a way to manage the people in your team. SeaTable can help you organize applications, interviews and their outcomes, expenditures, employee information, schedules, timesheets, and more. You never have to scramble for timesheets at the end of a pay period or wonder when someone will be away for vacation because all that information will be in a collaborative spreadsheet and shared with the necessary people.

3. Software Development

Software development requires a lot of planning, mapping, testing, and retesting. SeaTable can help you keep track of your software’s roadmap, what’s been tested, what needs to be fixed, and where your team is at with bug fixes.

The spreadsheet’s many features make it easy to define what work needs to be done and assign tasks and responsibilities to the appropriate team member. SeaTable effectively acts as a central meeting point for all your team member so you can effectively and efficiently solve problems and get your new software launched as soon as possible.

4. Marketing

No matter what type of marketing your team does, SeaTable was built to help. You can plan campaigns and chat about the different things you want to include, gather and organize customer feedback so you can adjust campaigns accordingly, analyze the competition to figure out how you can out-perform them, plan events and release dates, and more.

You could even use SeaTable as a social media planner. Lay out photos and captions, blog topics and publish dates, collaborations with influencers and brands, and determine which post will be published on which platform.

5. Distribution

Need a place to store your customer’s contact information? SeaTable can be your address book. Want to keep track of who is ordering what and how often? SeaTable can be your sales log (and even generate charts). Need to convert more leads into sales? Yes, SeaTable can even help with that, too.

Once you gather a customer’s information from your lead generator, you can immediately begin inputting their information into a spreadsheet, get them connected with a sales rep (or you), and drive them toward a sale. Once they become a customer, you can actively work on developing a relationship with them by analyzing their activity and satisfaction levels and taking action based on the information you’ve collected on them.

SeaTable can also keep track of your expenses, invoices, and payroll so all your financial information is easy to access and interpret.

Final Thoughts

There’s not much that SeaTable can’t do. It’s a great alternative to other spreadsheet solutions because it’s flexible enough to fit your team’s specific needs and you can keep in contact with everyone in real time. Get questions answered immediately, keep your team organized, and take action!

You can get started with using SeaTable right now by clicking here. The longer you wait, the more time your team wastes being inefficient. Try it today — you won’t be disappointed.




SeaTable is an online lightweight database with a spreadsheet interface. It helps you to easily record and manage all kinds of scattered information.