5 Ways to Lose Money in the Stock Market

Reza Kunimoto
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 17, 2020


Professional traders are stumped.

The stock market (S&P 500) tanked an unprecedented 35% over a couple of weeks, only to retrace half that loss afterward.

There’s no historical precedent for what's happening.

It’s a coin toss whether the market has recovered or if it’s just the start of the next great depression.

And so you wonder…

Is it a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy cruise ship and airline stocks that have had their prices decimated by this crisis?

Before you decide, it’s a good idea to revisit the wisdom in Jack Schwager’s legendary trading book, ‘Market Wizards’.

This book was handed to me when I landed my first job on a trading floor. And it’s still revered as a bible in the trading world today. Any trader worth a grain of salt has read it multiple times while highlighting their favorite sections.

It sums up five ways traders lose money in the stock market, and they‘re vital for any stockholder to know.

1. Bullheadedness

Yup, bullheadedness is a real word.

‘Extremely or irrationally stubborn; headstrong.’



Reza Kunimoto
The Startup

Ex-Corporate Equities Trader | Ex-JP Morgan | Early Retiree | Options Trader | Investor | Author | encoreyourlife.com