50 Things I’ve Learned in the First Year of My Writing Career

We all have to begin somewhere but you can make your mark in this field earlier than you think…

Aymes Sarah
The Startup


Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

I haven't been writing on here much and I’ve missed it, a lot. A few months ago, I acquired a writing job with a technology company. Also, I’m writing a book, looking after my family, and training a puppy. Needless to say, I’ve been a busy bee.

So first, I’ll list the great things that have happened to me in my first year of writing. I know, it seems boastful but I think sometimes we need to pat ourselves on the back and show gratitude for the good in our lives.

  • I wrote 30,000 words of my first book within a month.
  • I made new friends who share the same passion I do for writing.
  • I stayed (somewhat sane) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • I have reached 187,000 people through this platform.
  • I acquired my first five freelancing clients.
  • My first viral article has 96,000 views to date.
  • I made the “100club” in my second month on Medium.
  • I was hired by an awesome technology website as a Social Media Staff Writer.
  • I’ve gained much-needed…



Aymes Sarah
The Startup

Aymes is a freelance writer, social media manager, and published author. She co-owns a site ( www.personalsafetyschool.com ) with safety guide and tips!