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6 Core Elements of Embodiment

and why it is essential to our happiness

Kasia Patzelt
Published in
13 min readFeb 7, 2019



before you start reading, I invite you to take a deep breath.

I know it’s hard but just do it anyway. I know your mind is saying “yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve read this all before”. Doesn’t matter. Your mind may know, but your body will appreciate it nonetheless.

Take another deep breath. Close your eyes for a moment.

Become aware of your physical body sitting or lying down. Of your feet on the floor or touching each other.

Allow your shoulders to relax, your belly and eyes to soften. Take your hand and put it on your heart. Just notice your presence, your being, right now, right here. Take your time to simply appreciate this moment.

How do you feel right now? Do you feel a little bit more present? A little more at ease? Did you enjoy your experience? Do you feel any different than before?

Whenever I make myself do this simple little technique, I instantly start feeling more at ease. But I almost always have resistance to doing it, so if that was your experience, it’s ok. It’s hard for our constantly busy minds to stop, even if it’s for a minute. But the more we practice the easier it becomes.



Kasia Patzelt
The Startup

Embodiment Coach. Here to co-create an Authentic Human Reality.