6 diagrams I use to explain Product Management concepts

Some visualisations to help you understand and communicate key ideas in Product Management

Curtis Stanier
The Startup


They say a picture is worth a thousand words but, honestly, I think they are worth much more. They help you build a common understanding and remove much of the complexity and nuance that comes with written and verbal language.

I wanted to share 6 diagrams I find myself frequently using to when discussing Product Management ideas. These are a few drawings are well-received and convey the point well. The 6 diagrams are:

  • The “Product Manager Bottleneck”
  • The “Delivery Size Throughput”
  • The Classic “Waterfall vs Agile”
  • The “Initiative Size, Risk and Leadership Involvement”
  • The “Knowledge Silos”
  • The “Segmentation Value”

Please feel free to use them in any way you find beneficial to your role.

The “Product Manager Bottleneck”

One of the most common mistakes I see Product Managers make is feeling the need to be a part of every discussion. I understand there is a positive intention behind it — you’re the PM and you need to be across everything in case you’re asked about it.

Unfortunately, this has many drawbacks. First, it’s not practical. You will rapidly become overwhelmed —…



Curtis Stanier
The Startup

Director of Product at @DeliveryHeroCom. Formerly @HelloFresh, @BBC, @Atos. Passion for product, business &tech. I like helping people solve problems. Berlin