6 easy steps I followed to overcome hard times

I’ve never been happier than I am today

Lisa Welmarz
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJun 23, 2019


Photo by Matt Noble on Unsplash

Introspection is one of the hardest things to dive in, to live a happier life. The faster, the better, because it’s a long way to go. The more I dig, the more surprises — pleasant, and bad — I get.

I started somewhere

I was 25.

My then boyfriend was 100% into self-improvement — which was a bit overwhelming (and annoying) at times — and he slowly encouraged me to get into self-help books, TED talks, and various wise resources to find awareness of who I am.

I was still considering myself as a girl and not yet a woman. My attitude was childish, and “responsibility” was a grown-up concept I was avoiding at all costs.

I wasn’t ready, and I didn’t feel mature enough to dive in that deep and vast ocean of newness.

Back in time, I was 100% hermetic to it.

Here’s how I looked at introspection :

  • What would I learn about myself that I don’t know already? (I know I love pasta and gold is my favorite color)
  • I have plenty of other things to do, I’m so busy (the last episode of Suits is out on Netflix)



Lisa Welmarz
The Startup

Jazz singer | Weirdo & Outlier | In love with Humans ❤️