6 Important Things to Consider in UI/UX Design for Generation Z

Their average attention span is only 8 seconds.

Leon Okwatch
The Startup


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Digital marketers have spent the last decade or so tailoring their content to fit into the ever-changing technological needs of millennials.

But millennials are about to be overtaken by a new wave of complex, aggressive, tech-savvy younglings— the Generation Z. According to the consulting firm Altitude, Generation Z is set to account for more than 40% of all customers by the end of 2020.

Yet, many marketers still find it difficult to connect with this budding generation of potential clientele. New research is seeking to understand the intricacies of Generation Z and the possible ways to communicate with them; particularly through the powerful tool of design.

First, some background information about Gen Z.

Who Is Generation Z?

According to Pew Research Center, Generation Z includes anyone that was born from 1997 and onwards. There are an estimated 67.17 million Gen Z’ers in the U.S.A and they will soon outnumber millennials.

Many brands and developers assume that Gen Z is just an extension of millennials. However, this generation of digital natives has a different perspective from millennials.



Leon Okwatch
The Startup

Blockchain enthusiast. Web3 writer passionate about dissecting the intricacies of the technology, word for word. Guided by abundance mindset+law of attraction.